
Showing posts from August, 2020

Preparation of Trolley for Spinal and Epidural Anesthesia

  Preparation of Trolley for Spinal and Epidural   Anesthesia First of all you must have sterile spinal set which contain below written instruments. Stainless perforated Steel Trey Two stainless steel bowl One Sponge holder Ten Gauze Pieces 2 draw sheet and one hole sheet 1 Gown with hand towel     Sterile spinal set                                                                                                              Skin Prep Solution. Sterile     Gauze     Pack    (pack of 5 or 10   gauze pieces). Disposable    Sterile     Spinal      Needle    ( 25G,26G,27G)   as requirement   of anesthetist .   Two Sterile     syringes   of   5ml. Inj     Sensorcaine     0.5 heavy. Disposable      Needle   26G. Inj   2% Xylocaine    1 vial. Disposable Gloves   different   sizes. All life saving drugs should be ready at the time of procedure. Position of patient:-    One of the   very important step is position of the patient for spinal anesthesia. Two ty

Intubation trolley preparation

 GENERAL ANESTHESIA INTUBATION TROLLEY PREPARATION.  If we are going to induce patient under general anesthesia ( G A ) then we have to keep ready intubation trolley as given below :- Laryngoscope  with  blades  no 3 and 4 (for adult pt). Head Ring and pillow   ( some anesthetist can demand for pillow.) Endotracheal tube size  no 7 to 8.5. Oral airway  no 3 and 4. 2% xylocaine jelly. Magill   forceps ( adult). Dynaplast stripe or cotton bandage for tube tie. 10cc  syringe. Suction ready with catheter or vacuum suction set. Endotracheal stylet no 4  and 5. Boogie  ( this is very important  to be there). Micropore or as per practice for eye cover. Video laryngoscope ( this is required for difficult intubation ).Can be not available at all places if available keep standby. Keep ready always nasal airway size 6.0 to 8.5. We have to keep ready laryngeal mask or I gel as requirement of anesthetist  3,4, and 5 according to age of the patient. Keep ready Bains circuit or venti circuit accordin